A Day in the Life of a Social Media Manager: How to Maximize Your Time on Social Media in 2017 – #Infografia #Marketing #Digital

Infografia – A Day in the Life of a Social Media Manager: How to Maximize Your Time on Social Media in 2017 – One of the questions I get asked most as the social media manager here at Buffer is: How do you break up your day in order to get the most out of social media? Up until recently, I hadn’t really thought about it much. A little bit of content creation, curation, audience engagement, emails, outreach, and some Buffer scheduling. I kept wondering, is there really a social media manager formula for success? How are other social media professionals spending their time during the day? Do we share t #Infografía – relacionado con Infografías, Tecnología, Marketing Digital, #Day #Life #Social #Media #Manager #Maximize #Time #Social #Media


Infografia - A Day in the Life of a Social Media Manager: How to Maximize Your Time on Social Media in 2017

Fuente | akramabubaker9


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